I’ve been blessed to work with a lot of powerful women over my life. From my fellow female engineers just starting out in our first jobs to the Space Shuttle astronauts (Shannon Lucid & Judy Resnick) to my incredible coaching clients, I learned a lot from them all.
Even though a few literally did out-of-this-world things, they all shared a way of showing up in the world. They didn’t play small. They spoke up, knew who they were and asked for what they wanted.
Is it time for you to unleash your powerful self? Here’s five things you can do to show the world the dazzling, extraordinary, powerful YOU.
Talk like SuperGirl.
SuperGirl speaks from strength. She wouldn’t be caught dead using words like ‘just’ or ‘a little’ or volunteering her own doubts about how much she doesn’t know or can’t do. When we minimize our language, we minimize our value. So stop talking small.
Own your brilliance.
Get really clear about how brilliant you are. You need to be able to feel this in your bones. If you’re not certain, how can anyone else be? We learned as girls in childhood that it’s important to be liked. In contrast, boys aim to be the one with the highest rank, so boasting comes more easily. To help you get clear: Make a list of 20 ways (yes, 20!) that you are simply brilliant.
“Do one thing every day that scares you,” as Eleanor Roosevelt said. Playing it safe is downright boring. Before you get so numb that you forget that life can be exciting, gather up some courage and hop on the nearest rollercoaster. Take a risk. Be bold. Remember how fun being scared out of your mind can be.
For God’s sake, please, please start to do this! I can’t tell you how many coaching sessions I’ve spent hearing complaints about not getting a project or a new position only to learn that they never, ever asked for it. Figure out what you want and ASK FOR IT. It’s so much easier to get what you really want that way.
Brace yourself.
I saved the most important one for last. Doing things like speaking up, daring and asking are most likely not part of your current comfort zone. Don’t go it alone! Too many of us think that we are failures if we can’t pull all of this off by ourselves. I’ve got a secret for you – the most successful among us know that trying to do it alone is ludicrous. Get yourself a support team, preferably of other women. See my other post for more on this.
Please let me know if you try any of the 5 Things and how that goes for you. I’d love to support you in your journey to power.
Now go out there and BE POWERFUL.
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